Young Innovators’ Society (YIS) Events

(mid April): to inform interested parents about FLL and the upcoming season 

Team formation Night

(mid May): to help bring students, coaches and mentors together to facilitate formation of teams

Last Chance Team Formation Night

(August): to help any remaining students find a team

Coaches Meeting

(mid April): to inform interested parents about FLL and the upcoming season 

Field Visits and Expert Seminars

(August-October): to help teams learn more about the season’s topic 


(October-November): to help FLL-Challenge teams practice their robot game and demonstrate FIRST core values

Presentation Night

(November): to help FLL-Challenge teams practice their robot design and innovation project presentation

Explore Festival

(February): for FLL-Explore teams to showcase and celebrate their season

◉ August 3, 2024:
Coaches’ Meeting
Solon Panera (8:00-9:30am)

◉ June 15, 2024:
Coaches’ Meeting
Solon Panera (8:00-9:30am)

May 17, 2024:
Team formation Night Orchard Middle School Library (6-8pm)

April 23, 2024
Parent Information Night
(presentation slides)

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